var APE = { Config: { identifier: 'ape', init: true, frequency: 0, scripts: [] }, Client: function(core) { if(core) this.core = core; } } APE.Client.prototype.eventProxy = []; APE.Client.prototype.fireEvent = function(type, args, delay) { this.core.fireEvent(type, args, delay); } APE.Client.prototype.addEvent = function(type, fn, internal) { var newFn = fn.bind(this), ret = this; if(this.core == undefined){ this.eventProxy.push([type, fn, internal]); }else{ var ret = this.core.addEvent(type, newFn, internal); this.core.$originalEvents[type] = this.core.$originalEvents[type] || []; this.core.$originalEvents[type][fn] = newFn; } return ret; } APE.Client.prototype.removeEvent = function(type, fn) { return this.core.removeEvent(type, fn); } APE.Client.prototype.onRaw = function(type, fn, internal) { this.addEvent('raw_' + type.toLowerCase(), fn, internal); } APE.Client.prototype.onCmd = function(type, fn, internal) { this.addEvent('cmd_' + type.toLowerCase(), fn, internal); } APE.Client.prototype.onError = function(type, fn, internal) { this.addEvent('error_' + type, fn, internal); } APE.Client.prototype.cookie = {}; APE.Client.prototype.cookie.write = function (name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; domain=" + document.domain; } = function (name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0){ return decodeURIComponent(c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length)); } } return null; } APE.Client.prototype.load = function(config){ config = config || {}; config.transport = config.transport || APE.Config.transport || 0; config.frequency = config.frequency || 0; config.domain = config.domain || APE.Config.domain || document.domain; config.scripts = config.scripts || APE.Config.scripts; config.server = config.server || APE.Config.server; = config.sercure ||; config.init = function(core){ this.core = core; for(var i = 0; i < this.eventProxy.length; i++){ this.addEvent.apply(this, this.eventProxy[i]); } }.bind(this); //set document.domain if (config.transport != 2) { if (config.domain != 'auto') document.domain = config.domain; if (config.domain == 'auto') document.domain = document.domain; } //Get APE cookie var cookie ='APE_Cookie'); var tmp = eval('(' + cookie + ')'); if (tmp) { config.frequency = tmp.frequency+1; } else { cookie = '{"frequency":0}'; } var reg = new RegExp('"frequency":([ 0-9]+)' , "g") cookie = cookie.replace(reg, '"frequency":' + config.frequency); this.cookie.write('APE_Cookie', cookie); var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('id','ape_' + config.identifier); = 'none'; = 'absolute'; = '-300px'; = '-300px'; document.body.insertBefore(iframe,document.body.childNodes[0]); var initFn = function() { iframe.contentWindow.APE.init(config); } if (iframe.addEventListener) { iframe.addEventListener('load', initFn, false); } else if (iframe.attachEvent) { iframe.attachEvent('onload', initFn); } if (config.transport == 2) { var doc = iframe.contentDocument; if (!doc) doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;//For IE //If the content of the iframe is created in DOM, the status bar will always load... //using document.write() is the only way to avoid status bar loading with JSONP; var theHtml = ''; for (var i = 0; i < config.scripts.length; i++) { theHtml += ''; } theHtml += ''; doc.write(theHtml); doc.close(); } else { iframe.setAttribute('src',( ? 'https': 'http') + '://' + config.frequency + '.' + config.server + '/?[{"cmd":"script","params":{"domain":"' + document.domain +'","scripts":["' + config.scripts.join('","') + '"]}}]'); //iframe.setAttribute('src',( ? 'https': 'https') + '://' + config.frequency + '.' + config.server + '/?[{"cmd":"script","params":{"domain":"' + document.domain +'","scripts":["' + config.scripts.join('","') + '"]}}]'); if (navigator.product == 'Gecko') { //Firefox fix, see bug #356558 // iframe.contentWindow.location.href = iframe.getAttribute('src'); } } } if (Function.prototype.bind == null) { Function.prototype.bind = function(bind, args) { return this.create({'bind': bind, 'arguments': args}); } } if (Function.prototype.create == null) { Function.prototype.create = function(options) { var self = this; options = options || {}; return function(){ var args = options.arguments || arguments; if(args && !args.length){ args = [args]; } var returns = function(){ return self.apply(options.bind || null, args); }; return returns(); }; } }