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var latitude; var longitude; var address = ''; var source_list = []; var kk = 0; var sms_send_flag = "no"; var flag_code = ""; var flag_name = ""; var flag = ''; var temp_word_source = ""; var temp_word_dest = ""; var requester; var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; var mouseX1 = 0; var mouseY1 = 0; var requester2; var country_code = ''; var send_window = null; var flag_caret = 'off'; var selected_id = "#cmt"; var input_code_select = ''; var word = ''; var fontSize_zoom = ''; var ui_value = ''; var content = ''; var toggle_flag = false; var country_flag_url = maegu_url+"/common/image/country_flag/"; var noimage_url = maegu_url+"/common/image/profile/noimage1.png" + "?date=" + new Date().getTime(); var profile_image_url = maegu_url+"/common/image/profile/"; var profile_image_thumb_url = maegu_url+"/common/image/profile/thumb/"; var select_search_classify = ''; var obj_tabs; var obj_tabs_chat; var obj_tabs_pr; var obj_tabs_search; var login_status_on_image_path = maegu_url+"/common/image/bullet_online.png"; 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//공유 api 처음 여부 플래그값 var maegu_share_url = protocol+""; var share_image = []; share_image['ko'] = ""; share_image['en'] = ""; var api_msg = []; /* api_msg['ko'] = "[매구]\n\n구글, 네이버, 페이스북, 트위터, 카카오톡, 라인, 음성 통역 채팅, SNS...\n이 모든 것을 \"한방\"에 끝!"; api_msg['en'] = "[MaeGu]\n\nLet's chat freely with friends around the world without language barriers, in the MaeGu's world!"; */ /* api_msg['ko'] = "[[ 매구정음 ]]\n\n나라말이 서로 달라 문자끼리 서로 맞지 아니할세.\n\n이런 이유로 외국인과 말을 하고자 하여도 언어 장벽으로 인하여 대화 나누기가 힘드니라.\n\n내 이를 어여삐 여겨 음성 번역 채팅 플랫폼을 만드노니.\n\n전세계인으로 하여금 사용법을 쉬이 익혀 소통하게 하고자 할 따름이니라.\n\n- 매구데이 -\n"; api_msg['en'] = "[[ MaeGu Jeongeum ]]\n\nBecause the speech of this country is different from that of each other, it does not match the other letters.\n\nTherefore, even if the ignorant want to communicate, many of them cannot state their concerns due to a language barrier.\n\nSaddened by this, I have voice translation chatting platform newly made.\n\nIt is my wish that all the people may easily learn how to use and that be convenient for daily use.\n\n- MaeGu Day -\n"; */ /* api_msg['ko'] = "[매구]\n\n구글, 네이버, 페이스북, 트위터, 카카오톡, 라인, 음성 통역 채팅, SNS...\n이 모든 것을 \"한방\"에 끝!\n\n스마트폰,스마트TV,태블릿,PC,노트북...기종에 상관없이 사이트에 접속해서 편리하게 사용하실 수 있습니다."; api_msg['en'] = "[MaeGu]\n\nGoogle, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Kakaotalk, Voice translator chat, SNS...\n\"MaeGu\" Can Do Them All \"at a stroke\", HanBang!"; */ api_msg['ko'] = "[매구]\n다국어 번역검색\n실시간 통역채팅\n\n매구는 다국어 번역 검색, 웹사이트 번역, 실시간 통역 채팅을 하실 수 있는 사이트입니다!\n\n이제 별도의 다운로드 없이 PC,노트북,태블릿,스마트폰,스마트TV...기종과 관계없이 매구 사이트에 접속만 하시면 편리하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.\n\n[매구 사이트]\\n\n[매구 사용법 동영상]\\n"; api_msg['en'] = "[MaeGu]\nMultilingual translation searching\nReal time interpretation chatting\n\nMaeGu is a site you can do multilingual translation searching, website translation, real time interpretation chatting!\n\nNow, with no downloading, PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, smartTV...regardless of the device type, if you only have access to MaeGu, you can use it conveniently.\n\n[MaeGu site]\\n\n[MaeGu manual VOD]\\n"; var dictionary = new Array();//1차원 배열 선언 /* 한국의 경우 사전 url 정의 */ dictionary['ko'] = new Array();//dictionary['ko']에 대한 2차원 배열 선언 dictionary['ko']['p'] = new Array();//dictionary['ko']['p']에 대한 3차원 배열 선언 dictionary['ko']['m'] = new Array();//dictionary['ko']['m']에 대한 3차원 배열 선언 dictionary['ko']['p']['home'] = ""; 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" + str_line1 + "
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- " + m_introduce_myself + " -
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var code =[l].maegu_country_code; var country =[l].country_name; var tel_country_code =[l].tel_country_code; if(code != 'xxx') { num++; select_search_country.append("") if(tel_country_code != '') { tel_country.append(""); } } } $("#f_tel_country_code option[country_code='"+Real_country_code+"']").attr("selected",'selected'); } } function location_define(code) { var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url :'common/account_process.php?role=get_location_list&language=' + Real_language + "&code=" + code + "&num_temp=" + num_temp, type: 'post', contentType:"text/plain;charset=utf-8", crossDomain: true, dataType:'jsonp', jsonpCallback:"location_callback", success: function (content1) { } }) } //거주지 상세 목록 출력 function location_callback(content1) { var select_search_location = $('#select_search_location'); select_search_location.html(''); var num = 0; var content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); if (content.success_flag == 'true') { //select_search_location.append(""); if(Real_language == 'ko') { var m_multi_select = "복수 선택 가능"; 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$("#display_users").html(''); display_user('online'); $("#search_users_criteria").dialog("close") } else if (select_search_classify == 'criteria') { $("#search_criteria_area").show(); //display_user('criteria', $("#form_search_criteria_area").serialize()) } }); // 아이디, 메일, 폰번호로 특정 회원 찾기 // $("#btn_search_users").bind("click", function () { $("#display_users").html(''); if ($("#search_users_etc").val()) { display_user('etc', $("#search_users_etc").serialize()) } }); // 회원 찾기(상세) // $("#form_search_criteria_area select").each(function (index) { $('#' + $(this).attr('id')).find('option').live("click", function () { var num = $('#' + $(this).parent().attr('id') + ' option:selected').length; $("#count_" + (index + 1)).html(num) }); $('#' + $(this).attr('id')).live("change", function () { var num = $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + ' option:selected').length; $("#count_" + (index + 1)).html(num) }) }); $("#reset_search_users_criteria").bind("click", function () { $("#form_search_criteria_area").each(function () { this.reset(); $(".criteria_count").text('0'); //display_user('criteria', $("#form_search_criteria_area").serialize()) }) }); $("#excute_search_users_criteria").bind("click", function () { $("#search_users_etc").val(''); display_user('criteria', $("#form_search_criteria_area").serialize()); //$("#search_users_criteria").dialog("close") }); }//init_search_users() /* 회원 정보 출력 */ function display_user(classify, value) { if (classify == 'etc' || classify == 'criteria') { var value = decodeURIComponent(value); var requester_str = "mode=user_display&classify=" + classify + "&" + value; //alert(value); display_user_routine(requester_str, classify); } else if (classify == 'online') { //$("#display_users").html(''); $("#display_users").html($('#chat_logined_body #users').html()); } else if (classify == 'all') { var requester_str = "mode=user_display"; display_user_routine(requester_str, 'all'); } } function set_users_routine(division) { if(Real_language == 'ko') { var str_profile = '프로필'; } else { var str_profile = 'Profile'; } var str_heading = ''; str_heading += "" + " " + ""; str_heading += "" + str_profile + "";; str_heading += ""; str_heading += m_eng_name; str_heading += "
" + m_name; str_heading += ""; str_heading += ""; str_heading += m_nationality; str_heading += "
" + m_language; str_heading += ""; str_heading += ""; str_heading += m_location; //str_heading += "
" + m_location_detail; str_heading += ""; return str_heading; } function add_users_list(content,list_classify) { var ms = 60; var hs = ms * 60; var ds = hs * 24; var current_date = new Date().getTime()/1000; var regist_date = new Date(content.regist_date.replace(/-/g, '/')).getTime()/1000; var elapsed_day = Math.round((current_date - regist_date)/ds);//가입일로부터 경과 날짜 if(elapsed_day <= 1) { var new_user_image = 'new_user_image '; var new_user = 'new_user '; } else { var new_user_image = ''; var new_user = ''; } var line_comment = ''; var str = ''; var str_me = ''; var no =; var notification_value = content.notification_value; if (notification_value == 0) { notification_value = ''; } var login_status = content.login_status; var profile_image = content.profile_image; var channel =; if(list_classify == 'chatting_list') { var opponent = content.opponent; } else { var opponent = content.username; } var name =; var english_name = content.english_name; var language_code = content.language_code; var own_language = $("#input_code option[value='"+language_code+"'].lng_list").attr("language_name"); own_language = "" + own_language + ""; var country =; country = "" + country + ""; var location = content.location; location = "" + location + ""; var nationality = content.nationality; nationality1 = "" + nationality + ""; var nationality_flag_image = "" +""; if (profile_image == null || profile_image == '') { var profile_image_img = "" } else { var profile_image_img = "" } if ($('#chat_logined_body #users #online_users' + ' [on_id="users-' + opponent+'"]').html()) { var login_status_img = "" } else { var login_status_img = "" } if(opponent == cs_username) { var user_me = 'user_me'; } else { var user_me = ''; } line_comment += ""; if(list_classify=='chatting_list') { line_comment += "" + "" + notification_value + "" + ""; } line_comment += "" + login_status_img + ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += "
" + profile_image_img + "
"; line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += "
" + "" + english_name + "" + "
"; line_comment += "
" + "" + name + "" + "
"; line_comment += "
"; line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += "
" + nationality_flag_image + "
"; line_comment += "
" + "" + own_language + "" + "
"; line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += "
" + "" + country + "
" + location + "
" + "
"; line_comment += ""; if(list_classify == 'chatting_list') { line_comment += ""; line_comment += "" + "" + ""; line_comment += "  "; line_comment += "" + "" + ""; line_comment += ""; } line_comment += ""; return line_comment; } function chatting_list_process(classify,requester_str, channel) { var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php' + "?num_temp=" + num_temp, type: 'post', data: requester_str, success: function (content1) { content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); if (content.ok == 'true') { if (content.new_notification_value) { $(".private_chat_list[for_channel_name=" + channel + "] [notify=check_notify]").text(content.new_notification_value); return false } if(classify != 'update_notification_value') { display_private_chatting_list(); } } $("#del_chatting_list").css({ 'display': 'none' }); $("#edit_chatting_list").css({ 'display': '' }) } }) } // 채팅리스트 // function display_private_chatting_list() { $("#chat_body").addClass("loading"); var requester_str = "mode=private_chatting_list&classify=get_list&username=" + cs_username; var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php' + "?num_temp=" + num_temp, data: requester_str, type: 'post', success: function (content1) { content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); if (content.ok == 'true') { var line_comment = ''; line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; line_comment += set_users_routine(); line_comment += ""; line_comment += ""; var num = content.contents.length; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { line_comment += add_users_list(content.contents[i],'chatting_list'); } line_comment += "
"; $("#chatting_list_sub").html(line_comment); pc_mobile_view(); $("#chat_body").removeClass("loading"); } $("#private_chatting_list_sub .user_me").insertAfter("#private_chatting_list_sub .heading"); } }) } // 친구 목록 // function display_friends(classify) { var str = ''; $("#chat_body").addClass("loading"); if (classify == 'list') { var requester_str = "mode=friends&classify=" + classify + "&username="+cs_username; } var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php' + "?num_temp=" + num_temp, type: 'post', data: requester_str, success: function (content1) { content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); var num = content.contents.length; var str_heading = ""; var str_total = ""; str_heading += ""; str_heading += ""; str_heading += ""; str_heading += set_users_routine(); str_heading += ""; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { str += add_users_list(content.contents[i],'friend_list'); } str_total = str_heading + str; str_total += "
" + m_friend_members + " : " + num + "
"; //$("#chat_friends_body").html(''); $("#chat_friends_body").html(str_total); pc_mobile_view(); $("#chat_body").removeClass("loading"); } }) } function friends_process(classify, username) { var requester_str = "mode=friends&classify=" + classify + "&username=" + username + "&calluser="+cs_username; var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php' + "?num_temp=" + num_temp, type: 'post', data: requester_str, success: function (content1) { content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); if (content.ok == 'true') { display_friends('list'); return false; } } }) } //회원 찾기 출력// function display_user_routine(requester_str, classify) { $("#chat_body").addClass("loading"); if (classify == 'etc' || classify == 'criteria') { var prefix = m_result + " " } else if (classify == 'all') { var prefix = m_all + " " } var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); var str = ''; $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php' + "?num_temp=" + num_temp, type: 'post', data: requester_str, success: function (content1) { content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); var num = content.contents.length; var str_heading = ""; var str_total = ""; str_heading += ""; if(classify == 'all' || classify == 'criteria') { if('') { str_heading += ""; } else { str_heading += ""; } } else { str_heading += ""; } str_heading += ""; str_heading += set_users_routine(); str_heading += ""; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { str += add_users_list(content.contents[i],'search_users'); } str_total = str_heading + str; str_total += "
" + prefix + m_members + " : " + num + "
" + prefix + m_members + "
" + prefix + m_members + " : " + num + "
"; if(classify=='etc' || classify=='criteria') { if(num <= 0) { $("#chat_criteria_users").hasClass('criteria_result_empty'); } else { $("#chat_criteria_users").removeClass('criteria_result_empty'); } $("#display_users").html(str_total); $("#chat_criteria_users").html(str_total); } else { $("#display_users").html(str_total); } pc_mobile_view(); $("#chat_body").removeClass("loading"); } }) } function display_chat(classify, channel, position, doing, no) { $("#chat_body").addClass("loading"); if (classify == 'whole') { var current_chat_area = "chat_square_body"; } else if (classify == 'private') { var current_chat_area = "chat_chat_body"; $("#chat_chat_body").css({ 'overflow': 'hidden' }) } if ($("#" + current_chat_area + " .check_original").is(":checked")) { var var_message_original = 'original_display_on' } else { var var_message_original = 'original_display_off' } var view_code = $("#view_code").val(); var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php', data: {'mode':'display_chat', 'chat_trans_flag':chat_trans_flag, 'num_temp':num_temp, 'calluser':cs_username, 'view_code':view_code, 'channel':channel, 'classify':classify, 'doing':doing, 'no':no }, type: 'post', success: function (content1) { var content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); 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line_comment = $(return_value.str); var a = line_comment.appendTo('#' + current_chat_area + ' .comment'); /* if(content.contents[l].m_classify == 'map_current') { codeLatLng(a,content.contents[l].no,content.contents[l].message_original); } */ } } } }, complete: function (e) { if (classify == 'whole') { //$("#chat_square_body").find(".loading_data").empty(); if (!Browser.isIE) { myScroll.refresh(); if (position == 'p') { myScroll.scrollToElement('.view_message:first-child', 100); } else if (position == 'n' || position == '') { //myScroll.scrollToElement('.view_message:last-child', 100); myScroll.scrollToPage(1, 10000000000, 100); } } else {//IE var aaa = document.getElementById('wrapper'); if (position == 'p') { aaa.scrollTop = 0; } else if (position == 'n' || position == '') { aaa.scrollTop = aaa.scrollHeight; } } } else if (classify == 'private') { //$("#chat_chat_body").find(".loading_data").empty(); if (!Browser.isIE) { myScroll_private.refresh(); if (position == 'p') { myScroll_private.scrollToElement('.view_message:first-child', 100); 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var username = content.username; var name =; var english_name = content.english_name; var m_classify = content.m_classify; var message_original = decodeURIComponent(content.message_original); var message_en = decodeURIComponent(content.message_en); var message_view = decodeURIComponent(content.message_view); var input_code = content.input_code; var input_language_flag_image = country_flag_url + content.input_language_flag_image; var input_language_name_en = content.input_language_name_en; //var input_language_name = content.input_language_name; var input_language_name = $("#input_code option[value='"+input_code+"'].lng_list").attr("language_name"); var en_code = content.en_code; var view_code = content.view_code; var user_language_code = content.language_code; //var user_language = content.language; //var user_language = $("#input_code option[value='"+user_language_code+"'].lng_list").attr("language_name"); var user_language = ""; var user_location = content.location; var user_nationality = content.nationality; var user_nationality_flag_image = country_flag_url + content.nationality_flag_image; var user_status = content.user_status; if (user_status == '0') { var user_status_image = "" } else { var user_status_image = "" } if ($('#online_users' + ' [on_id="users-' + username+'"]').html()) { var login_status_img = "" } else { var login_status_img = "" } var profile_image = content.profile_image; if (profile_image == null || profile_image == '') { var profile_image_img = "" } else { var profile_image_img = "" } var flag_str = ""; flag_str += " "; //flag_str += elapsed_day + " "; //flag_str += ""; //flag_str += "" + user_language + ""; var writtentime = new Date(content.writtentime.replace(/-/g, '/')); var year = writtentime.getFullYear(); var month = writtentime.getMonth() + 1; var date = writtentime.getDate(); var hours = (writtentime.getHours() < 12) ? writtentime.getHours() : writtentime.getHours() - 12; if (hours == 0) { hours = 12 } var ampm = (writtentime.getHours() < 12) ? "am": "pm"; if(Real_language == 'ko') { ampm = (ampm == 'am') ? '오전' : '오후'; //var display_date = year + "/" + month + "/" + date + "  [" + hours + ":" + writtentime.getMinutes() + ":" + writtentime.getSeconds() + " " + ampm + "]"; var display_date = year + "/" + month + "/" + date + "  " + ampm + " " + hours + ":" + fillzero(writtentime.getMinutes(),2); } else { //var display_date = year + "/" + month + "/" + date + "  [" + hours + ":" + writtentime.getMinutes() + ":" + writtentime.getSeconds() + " " + ampm + "]"; var display_date = year + "/" + month + "/" + date + "  " + hours + ":" + fillzero(writtentime.getMinutes(),2) + " " + ampm; } if (username == cs_username) { str += "
"; str += "
"; str += "
"; str += user_status_image + " " + "" + display_date + "
"; switch (m_classify) { case null: case "": str += "" + "" + "" + "  " + autolink(message_original); str += "
 (" + input_language_name + ")"; str += "
"; break; case "map_current": var array_lat_long = message_original.split(","); var latitude = Math.floor(array_lat_long[0] * 10000) / 10000; var longitude = Math.floor(array_lat_long[1] * 10000) / 10000; str += ""; str += "" + " " + m_current_location + "
"; str += m_current_latlng + " : (" + latitude + "/" + longitude + ")"+"
"; str += ""; str += "
"; str += "
"; $("#chat_body").removeClass("loading_bar"); break } } else { str += "
"; str += profile_image_img; str += "
"; str += login_status_img; str += " " + flag_str + " " + "" + english_name + " (" + name + ")" + " "; str += "
"; str += "" + display_date + " " + user_status_image + "
"; switch (m_classify) { case null: case "": if(chat_trans_flag != 'true') { str += "" + "  " } str += "" + "" + "" + "  " + autolink(message_view); if(chat_trans_flag != 'true') { str += " (" + input_language_name + ")"; } if(chat_trans_flag == 'true') { str += "
"; str += "" + "" + "" + "  " + autolink(message_original) + " (" + input_language_name + ")
"; } str += "
"; break; case "map_current": var array_lat_long = message_original.split(","); var latitude = Math.floor(array_lat_long[0] * 10000) / 10000; var longitude = Math.floor(array_lat_long[1] * 10000) / 10000; str += ""; str += "" + " " + m_current_location + "
"; str += m_current_latlng + " : (" + latitude + "/" + longitude + ")"+"
"; str += ""; str += "
"; str += "
"; break } } var return_value = { no: no, m_classify: m_classify, username: username, view_code: view_code, message_original: message_original, message_view: message_view, str: str }; var return_value = eval("(return_value)"); return return_value; } function get_address(latlng, no, classify, position) { $.ajax({ url: "" + latlng + "&sensor=true&language=" + Real_language, type: 'post', success: function (content) { if (content.status == 'OK') { $("#address_" + no).text(content.results[0].formatted_address); if (classify == 'whole') { if (!Browser.isIE) { myScroll.refresh(); if (position == 'p') { myScroll.scrollToElement('.view_message:first-child', 100) } else if (position == 'n' || position == '') { myScroll.scrollToElement('.view_message:last-child', 100) } } else { var aaa = document.getElementById('wrapper'); if (position == 'p') { aaa.scrollTop = 0 } else if (position == 'n' || position == '') { aaa.scrollTop = aaa.scrollHeight } } } else if (classify == 'private') { if (!Browser.isIE) { myScroll_private.refresh(); if (position == 'p') { myScroll_private.scrollToElement('.view_message:first-child', 100) } else if (position == 'n' || position == '') { myScroll_private.scrollToElement('.view_message:last-child', 100) } } else { var aaa = document.getElementById('wrapper_private'); if (position == 'p') { aaa.scrollTop = 0 } else if (position == 'n' || position == '') { aaa.scrollTop = aaa.scrollHeight } } } } } }) } function trans_language() { m_member_error_display = $("#m_member_error_display").html(); m_current_location = $("#m_current_location").html(); m_current_latlng = $("#m_current_latlng").html(); m_modify_sort = $("#m_modify_sort").html(); m_modify_criteria = $("#m_modify_criteria").html(); m_friend_members = $("#m_friend_members").html(); m_result = $("#m_result").html(); m_all = $("#m_all").html(); m_members = $("#m_members").html(); m_username = $("#m_username").html(); m_eng_name = $("#m_eng_name").html(); m_name = $("#m_name").html(); m_nation = $("#m_nation").html(); m_nationality = $("#m_nationality").html(); m_language = $("#m_language").html(); m_location = $("#m_location").html(); m_location_detail = $("#m_location_detail").html(); m_mobile = $("#m_mobile").html(); m_email = $("#m_email").html(); m_confirm_delete = $("#m_confirm_delete").html(); m_dont_send_message = $("#m_dont_send_message").html(); //m_introduce_myself = $("#m_introduce_myself").html(); } function tab_load() { obj_tabs = $("#tabs").tabs({ spinner: 'Retrieving...', event: "click", ajaxOptions: { error: function (xhr, status, index, anchor) { $(anchor.hash).html("Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible.").css({ 'color': 'red', 'text-align': 'center', 'vertical-align': 'middle' }) } } }, { selected: $('#tabs > ul > li > a').index($('[href="#search_body"]')) }); selected = $("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected"); $($('#tabs ul li:eq(' + selected + ') a').attr('href')).show(); obj_tabs_chat = $("#chat_body").tabs({ spinner: 'Retrieving...', event: "click", ajaxOptions: { error: function (xhr, status, index, anchor) { $(anchor.hash).html("Couldn't load this tab. 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var url = "" + ccc },"_blank"); //var a = $("#searchmap"); //a.attr("target", '_blank').attr("action", url).submit(); } function directions1() { var language = Real_language; var word = trans_item_selection(); var word1 = escape(encodeURIComponent(word)); $("#aaa").attr("name", "language").attr("value", language); $("#bbb").attr("name", "q").attr("value", word); var a = $("#searchmap"); var ccc = "&language=" + language + "&q=" + word; var url = "common/map/directions-optimized.html?" + ccc; a.attr("target", '_blank').attr("action", url).submit() } function directions2() { var language = Real_language; var word = trans_item_selection(); var word1 = escape(encodeURIComponent(word)); $("#aaa").attr("name", "language").attr("value", language); $("#bbb").attr("name", "q").attr("value", word); var a = $("#searchmap"); var ccc = a.serialize(); var url = "common/map/directions-demo.html?" + ccc; var ccc = "&language=" + language + "&q=" + word; var url = "common/map/directions-demo.html?" + ccc; a.attr("target", '_blank').attr("action", url).submit() } function search_twitters() { var language = Real_language; var word = trans_item_selection(); var word1 = escape(encodeURIComponent(word)); //var word1 = word; var ccc = "language=" + language + "&keyword=" + word; var url = "common/map/twitter_search.html?" + ccc;, "wtitter_search"); } function map_service_6_1() { var language = Real_language; var word = trans_item_selection(); var word1 = escape(encodeURIComponent(word)); $("#aaa").attr("name", "language").attr("value", language); $("#bbb").attr("name", "keyword").attr("value", word); var keyword_1 = ""; var a = $("#searchmap"); var ccc = a.serialize() + "&keyword_1=" + keyword_1; var url = "common/map/twitter_search.html?" + ccc; map_window1 = $.window({ showModal: true, modalOpacity: 0.1, minimizable: false, maximizable: false, bookmarkable: false, scrollable: false, resizable: false, icon: "auto", title: "MaeGu Search Twitter", url: url, x: 0, y: 0, width: 800, height: 650 }) } function display_lat_lng() { var language = Real_language; 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var url = '' + Real_language + "&num_temp=" + num_temp; $.ajax({ asyn: false, type: 'get', url: url, dataType: "script", error: function (x, o, e) { alert(x.status + " : " + o + " : " + e) }, success: function() { //$(".comment,.user_introduce").live('touchmove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false); if("") { loaded();//iscroll 세팅 } var share_language_name_ko = $("#input_code option[value='ko'].lng_list").attr("language_name"); var share_language_name_en = $("#input_code option[value='en'].lng_list").attr("language_name"); $("label[for='share_select_ko']").html(share_language_name_ko); $("label[for='share_select_en']").html(share_language_name_en); $(".share_select_"+Temp_language).attr("checked","checked"); country_define(); } }); } function language_list(response) { var input_code = $('#input_code'); var trans_code = $('#src2'); var select_search_language = $("#select_search_language"); if (Real_language == 'ko') { input_code.append("") } else { input_code.append("") } /* for (l in { var lngCode =[l].language.toLowerCase(); var lng =[l].name; lngName[[l].language] = lng; if (lngCode == Real_language || lngCode == "en") { input_code.append(""); trans_code.append("") } } */ for (l in { //var lngCode =[l].language.toLowerCase(); var lngCode =[l].language; var lng =[l].name; kmj++; if('') { var title = lngCode; } else { var title = ''; } input_code.append(""); trans_code.append(""); select_search_language.append("") } $("#input_code").val(Real_language); if(Real_language != 'en') { $("#src2").val('en'); } else if(Real_language == 'en') { $("#src2").val('ko'); } $("#view_code").val(Real_language) if(mobile_device) { // 아이폰에서 가로로 전환했다 세로로 돌아올때 비정상적으로 화면 나오는 버그 해결 $(window).bind("orientationchange.fm_optimizeInput", fm_optimizeInput); } else { if('' || '') { virtualkeyboard_list(); } } if("") { init_search_users(); update_chatting_list(); } } function url_check(url, target) { requester.onreadystatechange = function () { response(url, target) }"get", url, true); requester.send(null) } function response(url, target) { if (requester.readyState == 4) { $("#" + target).html((requester.status == 200) ? url_embed(url) : "\ub9c1\ud06c\uac00 \uc815\ud655\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc5d0\ub7ec\ucf54\ub4dc: " + requester.status) } } function url_embed(url) { return "" } function update_profile_process(update_user) { var requester_str = "mode=user_info&username=" + update_user + "&calluser="+cs_username; 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$("[for_to='" + update_user + "'].label_name").text(user_name); $("[for_to='" + update_user + "'].label_english_name").text(user_english_name) } else { alert('error'); return false } }, error: function (x, o, e) { alert(x.status + " : " + o + " : " + e) } }) } function notify() { var options = {}; var selectedEffect = 'highlight'; var main_index = $('#tabs > ul > li > a').index($('[href="#chat_body"]')); var chat_index = $('#chat_body > ul > li > a').index($('[href="#chat_chat_body"]')); $("#tabs > ul > li").eq(main_index).effect(selectedEffect, options, 500).show(); $("#chat_body > ul > li").eq(chat_index).effect(selectedEffect, options, 500).show(); } function get_channel_name() { var selected = $("#chat_body").tabs("option", "selected"); var a = $('#chat_body ul li:eq(' + selected + ') a').attr('href'); if (a == '#chat_square_body') { var classify = 'whole'; var channel_name = CHANNEL_CHAT; var username1 =; var username2 = '' } else { var classify = 'private'; var username1 =; var username2 = $('#target_chat_user img').attr('for_to'); 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$("#display_error").html(""); var return_value = get_channel_name(); db_write(return_value, input_code, cmt, user_status, m_classify) } function db_write(return_value, input_code, cmt, user_status, m_classify) { /* if(user_status == '0') { alert(m_dont_send_message);return false; } */ var original_flag = 0; var view_code = $("#view_code").val(); var original_cmt = original_cmt = encodeURIComponent(cmt); var requester_str = "chat_trans_flag="+chat_trans_flag+"&mode=write&username="+cs_username+"&nickname="+cs_username+"&original_cmt=" + original_cmt + "&input_code=" + input_code + "&view_code=" + view_code + "&original_flag=" + original_flag + "&channel_name=" + + "&classify=" + return_value.classify + "&user_status=" + user_status + "&m_classify=" + m_classify; display_screen(requester_str, view_code, original_flag, return_value); $(editor).val(""); $(editor_trans).val(""); $(trans_verify).val("") } function trans_item_selection(id) { if (flag_caret == "off") { selected_id = "#" + $("input:radio[name='input_area']:checked").attr('for1');//alert(selected_id); 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var yes = confirm(duplicate_user_error[Temp_language]); if (yes == true) { location.reload(); } else { } }); client.addEvent('load', function () { //client.core.clearSession(); if (client.core.options.restore) { client.core.start(); } else { if (cs_ape_username) { //client.core.clearSession(); client.core.start({ 'name': cs_ape_username, 'username': cs_username }) } else { return false } } }); client.addEvent('ready', function () { if (cs_ape_username) { /* client.core.request.send("setProperty", { type: 'username', value: cs_username }); */ client.core.join(CHANNEL_CHAT) } else {} }); client.addEvent('multiPipeCreate', function (pipe, options) { if ( == CHANNEL_CHAT) { current_chat_area = "chat_logined_body"; client.channel_maegu = pipe } else { current_chat_area =; = pipe; } }); client.addEvent('userJoin', function (user, pipe) { var line_user = ''; if ( == CHANNEL_CHAT) { var requester_str = "mode=user_display&classify=userjoin&ape_username=""&username=" +; var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php' + "?num_temp=" + num_temp, type: 'post', data: requester_str, success: function (content1) { content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); line_user = add_users_list(content,'online_users'); if (!$('#online_users [on_id^="users-' + content.username+'"]').html()) { if (content.username == cs_username) { $('#online_users .user_me').replaceWith(line_user); } else { $('#online_users .user_me').after(line_user); } $('#chat_logined_body' + ' #users').scrollTop($('#chat_logined_body' + ' #users').outerHeight()) $(".bullet_login_status[for_to='" + + "']").attr("login_status", "1").attr("src", login_status_on_image_path); pc_mobile_view(); var number = $('#chat_logined_body #users #online_users' + " [login_status='1']").length; $('#online_users_count').text(String(number)); var trigger_object = $("#search_users_criteria [name=search_users_main][value=" + select_search_classify + "]").attr('id'); if (trigger_object == "search_users_main_online") { //$("#" + trigger_object).trigger("click") } } } }) } }); 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chatting_list_process(classify,requester_str) } }); client.onRaw('private_message_raw', function (raw, pipe) { var channel =; var sender =; var reciever =;//alert(channel+"\n"+sender+"\n"+reciever); if (cs_username == reciever) { client.channel_maegu.request.send("display_chat_reciever", { 'channel': channel, 'sender': sender, 'reciever': reciever }) } var current_chat_area = "chat_chat_body"; var view_code = $("#view_code").val(); if ($("#" + current_chat_area + " .check_original").is(":checked")) { var var_message_original = 'original_display_on' } else { var var_message_original = 'original_display_off' } var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); var requester_str = "num_temp="+num_temp+"&chat_trans_flag="+chat_trans_flag+"&mode=read&username="+cs_username+"&nickname="+cs_nickname+"&view_code=" + view_code + "&no=" + + '&classify=private' + '&channel=' + channel; $.ajax({ url: 'common/chat_process.php', data: requester_str, type: 'post', success: function (content1) { var content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); 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"/debug" : "") + ".js" } ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref) } (document, false)); }//Third_party_API() function autolink(content) { //return content; /* var expUrl =  /(((http(s)?:\/\/)\S+(\.[^(\n|\t|\s,)]+)+)|((http(s)?:\/\/)?(([a-zA-z\-_]+[0-9]*)|([0-9]*[a-zA-z\-_]+)){2,}(\.[^(\n|\t|\s,)]+)+))+/gi; var changedData =  str.replace(expUrl, '$&'); return changedData; */ var regURL = new RegExp('(^|[^"])(http|https|ftp|telnet|news|irc)://([-/.a-zA-Z0-9_~#%$?&=:200-377()]+)', 'gi'); var regURL2 = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim; //var regEmail = new RegExp('([^:])([xA1-xFEa-z0-9_-]+@[xA1-xFEa-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9-]+)', 'gi'); return content.replace(regURL, '$1$2://$3') .replace(regURL2, '$1$2'); /* var regURL = new RegExp("(^(http|https|ftp|telnet|news|irc)://)?([-/.a-zA-Z0-9_~#%$?&=:200-377()]+)","gi"); var no_url_regURL = new RegExp("([-/.a-zA-Z0-9_~#%$?&=:200-377()]+)","gi"); var regEmail = new RegExp("([xA1-xFEa-z0-9_-]+@[xA1-xFEa-z0-9-]+\\.[a-z0-9-]+)","gi"); var regTel = new RegExp("(^(01[016789]{1}|02|0[3-9]{1}[0-9]{1})-?[0-9]{3,4}-?[0-9]{4}$)","gi"); if(regEmail.test(str)) { str = str.replace(regEmail,'$1'); } if(regTel.test(str)) { str = str.replace(regTel,'$1'); } if(regURL.test(str)){ var result = regURL.exec(str);//정규식을 그룹화하여 배열 객체로 리턴한다. if(result) { if(result[1]) {//첫번째 그룹 결과를 가져온다. 즉, $1에 해당하는 값을 가져온다. str = str.replace(regURL,'$1'); } else { str = str.replace(regURL,'$3');//프로토콜이 없으면 http://를 붙여준다. } } } return str; */ } function main_ad_run() { main_ad_timeId = window.setInterval("main_ad_show()",5000); } function main_ad_show(pushing_flag) { // 광고 가져오기 var selectedEffect = "bounce"; // most effect types need no options passed by default var options = {}; // some effects have required parameters if ( selectedEffect === "scale" ) { options = { percent: 100 }; } else if ( selectedEffect === "size" ) { options = { to: { width: 280, height: 185 } }; } var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); if(pushing_flag) { var requester_str = "num_temp=" + num_temp + "&pr_group=pr_1" + "&mode=single_get" + "&area_classify=1" + "&language="+Temp_language + "&no=" + main_ad_no + "&pushing_flag=yes";//pushing_flag=yes : line-ad 광고시 플래그값을 줘서 별도로 처리하기위함 } else { var requester_str = "num_temp=" + num_temp + "&pr_group=pr_1" + "&mode=single_get" + "&area_classify=1" + "&language="+Temp_language + "&no=" + main_ad_no; } $.ajax({ url: 'common/line_ad.php', type: 'post', data: requester_str, success: function (content) { contents = eval("(" + content + ")"); var number = contents.length; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { var no = contents[i].num; var language_code = contents[i].language_code; var tel_country_code = contents[i].tel_country_code; var url = contents[i].p_url; var country_image = contents[i].flag_image_country; var m_url = contents[i].m_url; if(m_url && mobile_device) { url = m_url; } var tel_country_code = contents[i].tel_country_code; var tel_mobile = contents[i].mobile; var tel_office = contents[i].office; var email = contents[i].email; var regtime = contents[i].regtime; if(Real_language == 'ko') { var site_name = contents[i].title_ko; var country_name = contents[i].country_name_ko; } else { var site_name = contents[i].title_en; var country_name = contents[i].country_name_en; } str = "
"; if (url) { str += "" + site_name + ""; } else { str += "" + site_name + ""; } var connect_tel = ''; var connect_tel_label = ''; if(tel_office) { connect_tel = tel_office; connect_tel_label = tel_office; } if(tel_mobile) { connect_tel = tel_mobile; connect_tel_label = tel_mobile; } if(country_name) { str += " | "; str += ""; str += ""; } if(connect_tel) { str += " | "; if(Real_language != 'ko') { connect_tel = tel_country_code + connect_tel; connect_tel_label = tel_country_code + " " + connect_tel; } if(mobile_device) { str += "" + "☎" + ""; } else { str += "" + "☎" + ""; } } str += "
"; $("#main_ad_area").html(str); if(pushing_flag) { //$("#main_ad_area").effect(selectedEffect, options, 100); //$("#main_ad_area").html(str).effect(selectedEffect, options, 100); $("#main_ad_area").css({"background-color":"gray","color":"red"}); main_ad_run(); } else { //$("#main_ad_area").effect(''); //$("#main_ad_area").html(str).effect(''); $("#main_ad_area").css({"background-color":"","color":""}); } main_ad_no = no; } } }) } /* function executeKakaoStoryLink() {"story").send({ post: "[매구] 다국어 통역채팅 사이트\", appid: maegu_share_url, appver: "1.0", appname: "[매구]", urlinfo: JSON.stringify({ title: "[매구] 다국어 통역채팅 사이트", desc: "전 세계 친구들과 언어 장벽 없이 채팅할 수 있습니다.", imageurl: [""], type: "article" }) }) } function publishStory() { FB.ui({ method: 'feed', name: 'I\'m using the Hackbook web app', caption: 'Hackbook for Mobile Web.', description: 'Check out Hackbook for Mobile Web to learn how you can make your web apps social using Facebook Platform.', link: '', picture: '', actions: [{ name: 'Get Started', link: '' }] }, function (response) {}) } */ /* function country_define(language) { var no = 0; var tel_country = $('#f_tel_country_code'); tel_country.html(''); tel_country.append(""); $.ajax({ url :'common/account_process.php?role=get_country_list&language='+language, type : 'post', success : function(content1){ var content = eval("(" + content1 + ")"); if(content.success_flag == 'true'){ for (l in { var code =[l].maegu_country_code; var country =[l].country_name; var tel_country_code =[l].tel_country_code; var no =[l].no; if(tel_country_code != '') { tel_country.append(""); } } } } }); if(Temp_language == 'ko') { $("#f_tel_country_code").val('82'); } //tel_country.val('82'); } */ /* function home_ad_routine() { var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/ad/mvk_ad.php?role=main_ad&mode=all&language=' + Real_language, type: 'post', success: function (content) { contents = eval("(" + content + ")"); number = contents.length; for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { var now = fetch_unix_timestamp(); var no = contents[i].no; var duration_start = toTimestamp(contents[i].duration_start); var duration_end = toTimestamp(contents[i].duration_end); alert(duration_start + " " + now + " " + duration_end); var language_code = contents[i].language_code; var interval = contents[i].interval; var title_own = contents[i].title_own; var title_en = contents[i].title_en; if(Real_language == language_code) { var title = title_own; } else { var title = title_en; } var location = contents[i].location; var area = contents[i].area; var tel_country_code = contents[i].tel_country_code; var tel_office = contents[i].office; var tel_mobile = contents[i].mobile; var email = contents[i].email; var m_url = contents[i].m_url; var p_url = contents[i].p_url; var url = p_url; if(m_url && mobile_device) { url = m_url; } if(!title_en && Real_language != language_code) { continue; } if(duration_start <= now && now <= duration_end) {alert(i); $("#home_ad_url").attr("href") = url; $("#home_ad_url span").html(title); $("#home_ad_email").attr("href") = "mailto:"+email; if (tel_mobile || tel_office) { if(tel_office) { if(Real_language == language_code || cs_tel_country_code == tel_country_code) { var connect_tel = tel_office; var connect_tel_label = tel_office; } else { var connect_tel = tel_country_code + tel_office; var connect_tel_label = tel_country_code + " " + tel_office; } } if(tel_mobile) { if(Real_language == language_code || cs_tel_country_code == tel_country_code) { var connect_tel = tel_mobile; var connect_tel_label = tel_mobile; } else { var connect_tel = tel_country_code + tel_mobile; var connect_tel_label = tel_country_code + " " + tel_mobile; } } if(mobile_device) { $("#home_ad_tel").attr("href") = "tel:"+connect_tel; } else { $("#home_ad_tel").attr("href") = "javascript:void(0)"; $("#home_ad_tel").attr("title") = connect_tel_label; } } } else { continue; } }//for() } }) } */ /*** Common 사용자 정의함수 끝 ***/ /*** 라인광고 관련 스크립트 시작 ***/ function pr_ad_run() { pr_ad_timeId = window.setInterval("pr_ad_show()",5000); } function pr_ad_show(pushing_flag) { // 광고 가져오기 var selectedEffect = "highlight"; // most effect types need no options passed by default var options = {}; // some effects have required parameters if ( selectedEffect === "scale" ) { options = { percent: 100 }; } else if ( selectedEffect === "size" ) { options = { to: { width: 280, height: 185 } }; } $(".ad_title:visible").after($(".ad_line:visible:last").effect(selectedEffect, options, 5000)); if($(".ad_line:visible:last").attr("num") == $('.ad_line:visible').length) { setTimeout(function () { window.clearInterval(pr_ad_timeId); var next_url = $(".ad_line:visible").parents("table").attr("next"); //ad_read_routine(next_url); //pr_ad_run(); $("a[classify='"+next_url+"'] img").trigger("click"); }, 2000); //alert($(".ad_line:visible:last").attr("num")); } } function ad_read_routine(classify,title) { $("#ad_body").addClass("loading"); //$("#ad_body").find(".loading_data").html("loading"); //$('.pr_list').css('visibility','hidden'); switch (classify) { case 'pr_1' : var next = 'pr_2'; var rotation = 'run';break; case 'pr_2' : var next = 'pr_3'; var rotation = 'run';break; case 'pr_3' : var next = 'pr_1'; var rotation = 'run';break; default : var rotation = '';break; } var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url: 'common/line_ad.php?num_temp='+num_temp+"&classify="+classify+"&language="+Temp_language, data: 'mode=read', type: 'post', success: function (servertext) { var contents = eval("(" + servertext + ")"); var num = contents.length; var str = ""; var m_ad_inquiry = new Array(); m_ad_inquiry['ko'] = "광고문의"; m_ad_inquiry['en'] = "Ad Inquiry"; m_ad_inquiry_v = m_ad_inquiry[Temp_language]; str += ""; str += ""; if('') { str += ""; } else { str += ""; } str += ""; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { var num1 = i + 1; var no = contents[i].no1; var username = contents[i].username; var language_code = contents[i].language_code; var country_image = contents[i].flag_image_country; var m_url = contents[i].m_url; var url = contents[i].p_url; if(m_url && mobile_device) { url = m_url; } var tel_country_code = contents[i].tel_country_code; var tel_office = contents[i].office; var tel_mobile = contents[i].mobile; var email = contents[i].email; var regtime = contents[i].regtime; var id = "localAD_" + i; /* if(!contents[i].title_en && Real_language != language_code) { continue; } */ if(Real_language == 'ko') { var site_name = contents[i].title_ko; var country_name = contents[i].country_name_ko; } else { var site_name = contents[i].title_en; var country_name = contents[i].country_name_en; } str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; } else { str += "" + site_name + ""; } str += ""; } str += "
 "+title+"   "+title+"  
"; //str += "" + num1 + "" + ""; if('' && classify == 'pr_1') { str += ""+no+"  "; } if (url) { str += "" + site_name + ""; var connect_tel = ''; var connect_tel_label = ''; if(tel_office) { connect_tel = tel_office; connect_tel_label = tel_office; } if(tel_mobile) { connect_tel = tel_mobile; connect_tel_label = tel_mobile; } if(connect_tel) { if(Real_language != 'ko') { connect_tel = tel_country_code + connect_tel; connect_tel_label = tel_country_code + " " + connect_tel; } if(mobile_device) { str += "" + "☎"+""; } else { str += "" + "☎" + ""; } } else { str += " "; } str += "
"; $('.pr_list').html(str); //$('.pr_list').css('visibility','visible'); //$("#ad_body").find(".loading_data").empty(); $("#ad_body").removeClass("loading"); /* $('#ad_area .pr_list').html(''); $('#ad_area .pr_list').html(str); */ if(rotation == 'run') { window.clearInterval(pr_ad_timeId); pr_ad_run(); } else { window.clearInterval(pr_ad_timeId); } }, error: function () { alert("error"); } }); } function delete_process(no){ var num_temp = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000); $.ajax({ url : 'common/line_ad.php?num_temp='+num_temp, data : 'mode=delete&no='+no, type : 'post', success : function(result){ if(result==true){ client.core.request.send("refresh_ad",{channel:'maegu_chat'}); } else{ alert('error'); return false; } }, error : function(x, o, e){ alert(x.status + " : "+ o +" : "+e); } }) } $(".process_no").live('click',function(){ if(''){ var a = confirm("delete this?"); if(a == true) {//alert($(this).attr('no')); delete_process($(this).attr('no')); } } }); $(".view_helpers").live("click",function(){ pop_window_size(); /* 출력창 변수 시작 */ var popupID = Temp_language + "_" + $(this).attr("for1"); var title = $("." + popupID).find("table tr").eq(0).text();//창 제목줄에 나타낼 광고 문구 var str1 = $("." + popupID).html(); var str = $(str1).clone().wrapAll("
").parent().html(); $("#popup_helpers").html(str); $("#popup_helpers table").css("text-align","center"); /* 출력창 변수 끝 */ $("#popup_helpers").dialog({ title: title, modal: true, resizable: true, autoOpen: false, width: window_new_width, height: window_new_height, show: show_transition, hide: hide_transition, buttons: { "Close": function () { $(this).dialog("close") } }, open: function( event, ui ) { $(this).scrollTop(0); }, position: ['center', 'middle'] }); $("#popup_helpers").dialog("open"); }) /*** 라인광고 관련 스크립트 종료 ***/ function display_app() { //pop_window_size(); window_new_width = $("#tabs").width() * 0.9;//창 가로크기 window_new_height = $(window).height() * 0.9; //창 세로크기/350 $("#ad_area").hide(); /* 출력창 변수 시작 */ var title = "Released App";//창 제목줄에 나타낼 광고 문구 var str = $("#display_released app_message").html(); str += "
"; str += "
"+m_browser_chrom[Temp_language]+" | "+m_browser_IE[Temp_language]+"
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"; str += "
"+m_browser_chrom[Temp_language]+" | "+m_browser_IE[Temp_language]+"
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/gi,"\n"); //var text = ''; var answer = confirm(text); if(answer) {""+Real_language+"/chrome/browser/","_blank"); } */ } } /* 숫자앞에 0 붙이기 */ //fillzero(33, 5) : 00033 유효자릿수 5자로 맞추되 자릿값 부족분만큼 0 채우기 function fillzero(obj, len) { obj= '00000000000'+obj; return obj.substring(obj.length-len); } /* urlencode시켜줌 */ // %BE%C8%B3%E7 와 같은 형태로 만들어줌 function urlencode(str) { str = (str + '').toString(); return encodeURIComponent(str) .replace(/!/g, '%21') .replace(/'/g, '%27') .replace(/\(/g, '%28') .replace(/\)/g, '%29') .replace(/\*/g, '%2A') .replace(/%20/g, '+'); }